Saturday, May 26, 2007

Discovery Park & Ballard Locks 8 miles

Current Mile total: 661.75 miles

I hadn't really planned on running today because Jessi from the eastside had asked me to run on Sunday over at the watershed. But Lane from the westside group mentioned they were running 8 so I decided to be social and get some extra miles in. I'm glad I did. Discovery Park was a great place to run. We started at the Ballard Locks. As seen in the pic to the left its a canal that allows ships to move from the fresh waters of Lake Washington to the salt waters of the Puget Sound. It also allows the salmon safe access through a series of ever increasing salt exposure. Very interesting. So anyway, we start on one side of the canal and run over it southward and into discovery park. Discovery park is the largest park in Seattle that covers 534 acres of land that used to be the Fort Lawton military base. I took my camera with me(obviously) and chose to run slow most of the time allowing myself to stop and snap pictures off at a moments notice. So I'd be chatting with someone and then be, "oh, gotta stop, keep going, I'll catch up". And I did, it was fun. The weather was OK, a little overcast and cool. I did feel my hip flexor again on a down hill and I get the feeling that fella is gonna stick around for a while. Afterward the group headed out to breakfast and I couldn't because I left home without my wallet. I'll have to remember that next time.

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